DPS Headquarters
PLEASE NOTE: Any questions regarding driver's license, suspended license, tag and title, accident reports, motor vehicle reports, etc. are no longer handled by the Department of Public Safety. If you have lost a copy of a citation and have not been to court, you should contact the law enforcement agency in the area where you received the citation.
Georgia Department of Public Safety
P.O. Box 1456
Atlanta, Georgia 30371-1456
(404) 624-7000
Colonel Mark W. McDonough, Commissioner
- Department of Public Safety- General Inquiry - 404-624-7700
- Commissioner's Office - 404-624-7477
- Deputy Commissioner's Office - 404-624-7344
- Commanding Officer - Field Operations - 404-624-7451
- Capitol Police Services - 404-656-4830
- Motor Carrier Compliance - 404-624-7211
- Headquarters Adjutant - 404-624-7016
- Legal Services - 404-624-7423
- Open Records Unit - 404-624-7591
- Overweight Citations - 1-888-409-2001
- Public Information Office - 404-624-7597
- Human Resources- 404-624-7550/7553
- Comptroller - 404-624-7850
- Special Investigations - 404-624-7523
- Executive Security - 404-651-9431
- Planning Office - 404-624-7373
- Training - 478-993-4531
- Radio Room - 404-624-6077 TDD#: 1-800-443-6077
- To report impaired drivers and highway emergencies - Dial *GSP on your cell phone
- To report road hazards or receive traffic information - Dial *DOT on your cell phone