Excess Property
The Excess Property Program administers two federal law enforcement support programs for the entire state of Georgia, the 1033 Program and the 1122 Procurement Program.
The 1033 Program obtains used/new Department of Defense equipment for state and local law enforcement agencies at no cost to the agency. Through a federal purchasing agreement agencies can purchase items off established federal contracts. This office has participated in a 1033 test project. The “Customer Reserve Stock Test Project” was successfully implemented and approved. The proposed “Regional Customer Reserve Stock” project will serve the southeastern states and more if necessary.
1033 Program reports statistics for all excess property distribution to Sheriffs’ Offices, Police Departments, State Agencies, Task Forces, Correctional Facilities and “Other” Agencies beginning January 1 and ending December 31, 2002. The total value of property distributed is $8,513,414.87.
The 1122 Procurement Program allows these same agencies to purchase equipment for law enforcement through federal procurement channels at the Federal contract price. Since the 1122 Procurement Program was initiated in October 1997, state and local law enforcement agencies have purchased over $3 million in new equipment.
The National Law Enforcement Support Association (NLESA) was organized in February, 2000 for the primary purpose of improving efficiency in the management and operation of the processes through which excess Department of Defense personal property is transferred to state and local law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes, to promote the use of the 1122 Federal Procurement Program so that law enforcement agencies can maximize savings when purchasing new equipment by using Federal Price Agreements through the General Services Administration.
The Excess Property Office established and now maintains an inventory database system that assists the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) in managing equipment items purchased with federal funds. This computer system identifies and tracks items purchased with grant funds provided by the CJCC. Participating task forces provide a detailed inventory list to Excess Property of all equipment purchased or acquired with grant funds, cash match or program income. Excess Property in turn provides this listing of equipment items to the CJCC staff for use during on-site compliance audits and for a uniform format for tracking of equipment purchases.