Legal Insurance

Employees have the option to enroll for coverage in one of two plans, Select or Select Plus or or Select Premium with Metlife Legal Plan. Both Plans offer:
- Powers of Attorney
- Office Advice and Consultation
- Wills and Codicils
- Living Wills
- Traffic Matters (no DUI)
- Document Preparation
- Real Estate Matters for Primary Residence
- Elder Law Matters
- Home Equity Loan Assistance
New Hyatt Mobile App for plan members available on Android phones and Google Play.
Coverage tiers available with both plans are Employee Only and Family coverage.
Access to Over 18,000 Attorneys
The MetLife Legal Plan provides members with access to a national network of more than 18,000 Plan Attorneys. Also, if you wish to use an attorney that does not participate in the metlife Legal Plan, Metlife will reimburse you according to a set fee schedule. If you find yourself in need of legal assistance while traveling within the U.S., call our Client Service Center. You will be referred to an attorney in the area.
For more information, call Metlife Client Service Center at 1-800-821-6400 Monday through Friday (Eastern Time) or on the MetLife click on “Thinking About Enrolling” and enter a password:
Select Plan
- 7600001 - Employee Only
- 7610001 - Employee w/Dependents
Select Plus Plan
- 7620001 - Employee Only
- 7630001 - Employee w/Dependents
Select Premium
- 76210001 - Employee Only
- 76310001- Employee w/Dependents
Detailed plan information and a comparison chart can be found in the
or at the GaBreeze link on the Team Georgia website. Pricing per plan and coverage tier varies and is accessible on the
Benefit Rate Chart
Enrollment is made by new hires within 31 days of hire date at GaBreeze Enrollment.
Enrollment/Changes due to qualifying life events during Plan Year are made within 31 days of event at GaBreeze.
Current Employees not experiencing a qualifying life changing event must enroll online at GaBreeze during annual enrollment period only for benefits beginning the following Plan Year.
Select Plan
The Select option provides benefits for the following services:
- Wills and codicils
- Living wills
- Powers of Attorney
- Unlimited phone and office advice and consultations
- Traffic ticket defense (no DUI)
- Document review
- Affidavits
- Deeds
- Mortgages
- Promissory notes
- Elder law matters
- Personal Injury (25% maximum fee)
- Sale, purchase and refinancing of your primary residence and second or vacation home
- Home equity loans for your primary residence and second or vacation home
- Debt collection defense
- Identity theft defense
- Reduced fee Benefit (25% discount)
Select Plus Plan
The Select Plus option offers the same services as the Select Plan, plus the additional services listed below.
- Probate proceedings
- Consumer protection matters
- Personal bankruptcy or Wage Earner Plan
- Tax audits
- Civil litigation defense
- Administrative hearing representation
- Incompetency defense
- Change or establishment of custody order or visitation rights
- Adoption and legitimization
- Divorce/Dissolution/Annulment ($1,000 maximum for contested)
- Enforcement or modification of support orders
- Guardianship/conservatorship
- Immigration assistance
- Eviction and tenant problems (tenant only)
- Name change
- Juvenile court defense
- Security deposit assistance (tenant)
Select Premium
The Select Premium includes the services of the Select and Select Plus with the following additional services:
- Personal Property Protection
- Small Claim Assistance
- Demand Letters
- Prenuptial Agreement
- Property Tax Assessments
- Zoning applications
- Restoration of Driving Privileges
- Living Trusts
- Boundary Title Disputes (Primary Residence) Protection from domestic violence