Motor Carrier Compliance Officer Testing Information

Upcoming Motor Carrier Compliance Officer Exams

Important: You will need to bring the following with you in order to sit for the test:

1. A completed State of Georgia application for employment (list job code 17805)

2. A valid Driver’s License

3. If you are requesting veteran’s preference points, you must also submit a photocopy of your DD-214.

Your test score will remain on the Register for six months.  You may extend your score for an additional six months by calling, 404-656-2728.  You can apply to retake the written test up to three times in a 12 month period, with a minimum 30-day waiting period between examinations. 

Location: Atlanta Test Center

The MCCD Officer Cadet test will be offered at the Atlanta Test Center of the State Personnel Administration on the dates listed below on a walk-in basis (no reservations needed).

Every second Wednesday of the month– 8:30 a.m. (does not apply on State holidays)

Every fourth Wednesday of the month – 8:30 a.m.   (does not apply on State holidays)

State Personnel Administration – click here for directions
Room 404 West Tower

Floyd Veterans Memorial Building
Twin Towers (West)
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, S.E.
Atlanta, GA 30334-5100

Location: Other statewide locations

Written tests are offered on certain Saturdays in selected cities.  If you request a scheduled examination you must submit a written request to the State Personnel Administration, P.O. Box 347100, Atlanta, Georgia 30334.  You will receive an admission slip by mail for the next available test session showing the address of the testing center you have chosen and the date and time of your appointment.  This may take a month or longer due to limited seating.

Selected cities:









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