New Web-Based Process for ADAP Cards
(ATLANTA)The Georgia Department of Public Safety announced today the implementation of a new web-based application that will speed up delivery of the Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program certificates to young drivers. Colonel George Ellis, DPS Commissioner, said the new application will reduce the wait from several weeks to just a few days.
The web application allows school administrators to access a secure web site on the State Web Portal and directly enter the names of eligible students into an online database. After entering all of the names and verifying their accuracy, the instructor may print the certificates directly on the local level.
Prior to implementing the new system, instructors sent in a hand-typed roster to the ADAP office in Atlanta, Colonel Ellis said. The office then entered the data into a database and, after several weeks, batches of certificates were mailed back to the originating instructor for distribution to their students.
Colonel Ellis noted that instructors will also be able to query the database of students and reprint individual certificates on the spot. This will allow a student who has lost his or her ADAP certificate to get a replacement instantly, he said.
The web-based system will dramatically reduce the turnaround time for certification, eliminate duplication of effort, reduce or eliminate the daily telephone calls checking the status of the certificates and improve the overall efficiency of the ADAP system.
The Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program is mandated by Georgia Law and is a partnership between the Department of Public Safety, the Department of Education and local law enforcement. The program teaches teens ages 13 - 17 about the dangers of driving while intoxicated. A certificate of completion is required before a teenager can obtain a Class D drivers license.
Access to the new web application will be managed by the Department of Public Safety and the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) will have the overall responsibility for hosting the system on the portal computers. The system was developed for the Department of Public Safety by Daugherty Business Solutions of Atlanta.