PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, at 10:00 AM in the Media Room at the Department of Public Safety (“DPS” or “Department”), 959 United Ave SE, Atlanta, Georgia, a hearing will be held for members of the public and household goods carriers to comment upon a proposed expansion and charge adjustment limited to Section IV.D(5) titled “Maximum Charges for Provided Packaging/Shipping Containers, Packing Services, and Unpacking Services” of the Department of Public Safety’s Maximum Rate Tariff for Carriers of Household Goods in Intrastate Transportation (“Tariff”).

The expected effective date of the revised Tariff is December 8, 2022. A copy of the proposed revised Tariff is attached to this Notice.

All interested persons are hereby advised of the opportunity to submit data, views, or arguments, orally or in writing, regarding the proposed revised Tariff. Oral comments will be limited to ten (10)minutes per person. Anyone needing more than ten (10) minutes should request additional time by contacting Sgt. Dustin Jones, PO Box 1456, Atlanta GA, 30371, in writing, or calling 404-624-7241, 24 hours prior to the hearing*.

Persons wishing to comment in writing on the proposed Tariff revisions should do so on or before November 2, 2022. Comments may be submitted in any of the following ways:

1.     By FAX to 404-624-7246

2.     By EMAIL to [email protected]; or

3.     By MAIL to: Sgt. Dustin Jones
        Georgia Department of Public Safety
        Motor Carrier Compliance Division
        Re: HHG Tariff Revision
P.O. Box 1456
        Atlanta GA, 30371