DPS Headquarters
Georgia Department of Public Safety
P.O. Box 1456
Atlanta, Georgia 30371-1456
(404) 624-7000
Colonel Gary Vowell, Commissioner
Department of Public Safety- General Inquiry - 404-624-7700
Commissioner's Office - 404-624-7477
Deputy Commissioner's Office - 404-624-7344
Commanding Officer - Field Operations - 404-624-7451
Capitol Police Services - 404-656-4830
Motor Carrier Compliance - 404-624-7211
Headquarters Adjutant - 404-624-7016
Legal Services - 404-624-7423
Open Records Unit - 404-624-7591
Overweight Citations - 1-888-409-2001
Public Information Office - 404-624-7597
Human Resources- 404-624-7550/7553
Comptroller - 404-624-7850
Special Investigations - 404-624-7523
Executive Security - 404-651-9431
Planning Office - 404-624-7373
Training - 478-993-4531
Radio Room - 404-624-6077 TDD#: 1-800-443-6077
To report impaired drivers and highway emergencies - Dial *GSP on your cell phone
To report road hazards or receive traffic information - Dial *DOT on your cell phone