Peace Officers' Annuity & Benefit Fund

Peace Officers' Annuity & Benefit Fund (POAB) is limited to P.O.S.T. certified Law Enforcement Officers who are employed by the State of Georgia or any of its political subdivisions: whether by election or appointment, who devote their full time to such employment.
Retirement Pension - When a member has accumulated a minimum 10 years (if joined prior to June 30, 2010) or 15 years (if joined on or after July 1, 2010) of membership service, has reached the age of 55, and has terminated his employment as a peace officer, he may be eligible for retirement benefits. Any member who has accumulated a total of 30 years of creditable service may qualify for retirement benefits regardless of age upon termination of his employment as a peace officer. The amount of monthly pension is currently based on $24.41 per month for each full year of service as a peace officer, plus 1/12th of $24.41 per month for each additional full month. This amount is payable based on a minimum service of 10 years (if joined prior to June 30, 2010) or 15 years (if joined on or after July 1, 2010) and a maximum of 30 years.
Death Payment - If a member dies of causes not received in line-of-duty, the amount of $3,500.00 will be paid to the beneficiary he has designated, unless the member has less than 5 years of membership service, in which case the amount paid will be $1.000.00. After a member has begun drawing retirement benefits from the fund, the death payment is decreased by the amount received in retirement until they have received a total of $1,000.00 in pension. After they have received the first $1,000.00 in pension the death payment remains that the $2,500.00 level. Line-of-duty death payment is increased to $5,500.00 regardless of the years of membership service.
The member may change the designated beneficiary at any time, by filing proper notice with the Fund office.
For more information please contact the Peace Officers' Annuity & Benefit Fund or by phone at 770-228-8461.