Star G-S-P Service Marks 10 Year Anniversary
August 30, 2004
(404) 624-7597
(ATLANTA)—The Georgia State Patrol is thanking Georgia drivers who use the Star G-S-P program to report suspected drunk drivers as the free cell phone call program turns 10 years old. Colonel George Ellis, GSP Commander, said Monday public service announcements are being prepared to thank motorists who have used the service to report a dangerous driver.
“It is a way for the Georgia State Patrol to acknowledge the drivers’ involvement in traffic safety,” Colonel Ellis said. “With limited law enforcement personnel, it is crucial for drivers to report suspected impaired drivers or other dangerous drivers and many have done so over the years.”
Colonel Ellis said the program began in the summer of 1994 with a partnership between cell phone service providers and the Georgia State Patrol. Motorists with cellular phones may report dangerous drivers by calling Star G-S-P (*477). The call is routed to the closest Georgia State Patrol post. The service is free.
“The cellular service providers have gone to great lengths and expense to program their equipment to provide this service and it is greatly appreciated,” Colonel Ellis said. “Motorists have also responded by using the service over the years. Their calls have been instrumental in law enforcement officers locating drunk drivers, drug dealers, habitual violators and other people who have no business being on the state’s roadways.”