State Troopers Begin Concentrated Patrols in Atlanta
(ATLANTA) -The Georgia State Patrol announced Tuesday the start of regularly scheduled concentrated patrols on interstates in the Metro Atlanta area. Major Don Chastain, North Division Adjutant of GSP Field Operations, said troopers in the Atlanta area are being assisted during the concentrated patrols by troopers from other GSP posts in North Georgia as well as members of the GSP Command Staff, and the Safety Education, Implied Consent, and Criminal Interdiction Units.
Troopers will not be concentrating only on speed during the enforcement efforts. "In addition to targeting high speeds, troopers will be stopping and ticketing dangerous drivers whose action can and often do cause traffic crashes," Major Chastain said. "Troopers will not hesitate to stop and ticket drivers who cut in and out of traffic, travel down the emergency lanes, cross the gore areas, or cross several lanes at one time to exit the interstate."
Major Chastain said troopers also would be checking tractor trailers who avoid I-285 and have no stops inside the perimeter.
He said the Georgia State Patrol continually receives complaints from motorists whose safety is compromised daily by drivers who have a complete disregard for the traffic laws. "No one should be intimidated by other drivers while traveling and today's announcement is to serve notice that the Georgia State Patrol is out to ticket drivers who do just that," he said.
Future concentrated patrols will be conducted without advance notice. Major Chastain said members of the GSP Command Staff will be patrolling during these patrols utilizing unmarked cars to spot violations. "Once the violation has been observed, a marked GSP unit in the area will be called to make the traffic stop," he said.
Major Chastain noted a recent traffic study by the Department of Transportation that found the average speeds on Metro Atlanta interstates exceeded the posted speed limits by 20 miles per hour or more. "It is past time for drivers to slow down, have consideration for fellow motorists, and to do their part to make travel safer in the metro area," he said.