Vision Insurance
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Vision
Employees have the option to enroll in coverage in one of two plans, Select or Select Plus with Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Both Plans offer:
- covered exams and materials;
- statewide access to a network of panel providers;
- no claims to file for “in-network” benefits
- benefits for “out-of-network” providers.
Coverage tiers available for both plans are:
- Employee Only
- Employee + Child(ren)
- Employee + Spouse
- Employee + Spouse & Child(ren)
The Anthem Vision participating provider network includes private practice optometrists, ophthalmologists and retail chains. Network providers can be located at the Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia website.
Detailed plan information and a comparison chart can be found in the
or at the GaBreeze link on the Team Georgia website. Pricing per plan and coverage tier varies and is accessible on the
Benefit Rate Chart
Enrollment is made by new hires within 31 days of hire date at GaBreeze Enrollment.
Enrollment/Changes due to qualifying life events during Plan Year are made within 31 days of event at GaBreeze.
Current Employees not experiencing a qualifying life changing event must enroll online at GaBreeze during annual enrollment period only for benefits beginning the following Plan Year.
Important Information for Select and Select Plus Plans
- Benefits are provided every Calendar Year for exams, lenses and/or contacts and for frames measured from the last date of service.
Select Option
- The Select Plan covers standard single vision and standard lined multi focal lenses for glasses. Cosmetic lens options such as tinting, UV coating, transitional lenses, etc., are not covered but are provided to Blue Cross Blue Shield Vision’s members at a savings below normal retail charges.
- Certain standard contact lenses, including daily wear and up to 4 boxes of standard single vision disposable contacts are covered in full for your co-payments. Under the Select Plan, if you purchase contacts that are not among Blue Cross Blue Shield Vision’s “covered in full” selection you will receive an annual $105 allowance toward the purchase of contact lenses and professional fees (i.e., fit and follow-up).
- To receive the full $105 allowance under the Select Plan, you must receive your exam, fitting and evaluation at a single visit to the same network provider. The allowance will only apply to one purchase per plan year. You must submit all receipts at the same time. Any balance remaining and not used during the plan year when the purchase occurred will be forfeited.
Select Plus Option
- In addition to the coverage in the Select Plan, the Select Plus Plan does offer cosmetic lens options for Tints, UV, Polycarbonate and Basic Progressive lenses.
- To receive the full $150 allowance under the Select plus Plan, you must receive your exam, fitting and evaluation at a single visit to the same network provider. The allowance will only apply to one purchase per plan year. You must submit all receipts at the same time. Any balance remaining and not used during the plan year when the purchase occurred will be forfeited.