May 25, 2016
Georgia State Troopers Caution Safe Travel During Busy Memorial Day Weekend
The Memorial Day holiday travel period begins this weekend and signals the beginning of the summer travel season. The 78-hour holiday travel period will begin Friday, May 27, at 6 p.m. and end at midnight on Memorial Day. During this period, Georgia State troopers will be enforcing speed limits, seat belt usage, and looking for impaired drivers. “Our goal is to intercept dangerous drivers before they can cause a fatal crash,” said Colonel Mark W. McDonough, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Safety.
Last year during Memorial Day weekend, troopers investigated 472 traffic crashes that resulted in 297 injuries, and 10 traffic fatalities. In addition to the traffic crash investigations, troopers arrested 270 people for driving under the influence while issuing 8,328 citations and 12,284 warnings.
Troopers report that speed, a lack of occupant protection use, and impaired drivers are the leading contributing factors in a majority of the traffic crashes they investigate. “Memorial Day weekend is always a heavily traveled holiday period as graduation ceremonies, festivals, and vacation travelers add to the normal weekend traffic,” said Colonel McDonough. While traveling this weekend, motorists should be alert, patient, and courteous to one another to help prevent crashes. Also, all motorists should make sure that everyone in the vehicle is wearing a seat belt, obey the posted speed limit, and use a designated driver if the consumption of alcoholic beverages will be in your plans. “Drunk driving is dangerous and not worth the risk of killing yourself or someone else,” the commissioner added.
This is also All American Buckle-Up Week across the nation. Now through Memorial Day, state highway patrols and state police agencies from across the United States and Canada are joining together to educate the public on the importance of wearing seat belts while traveling in motor vehicles.