Excess Property Training

1033 and 1122 Program training is offered the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

Register for Excess Property Training

Complete the training registration form and submit to the Excess Property Program listed below.

The training class will help you get enrolled into the automated system and provide training on the following topics:

  • Property Available to you as law enforcement
  • How to Enroll – The Application Process
  • How to create AMPS
  • How to register in Federal Excess Property Management System (FEPMIS)
  • (Property Book)
  • How to register in Reutilization, Transfer, & Donation RTD (Property screening)
  • How to Requisition Property using LESO Automation
  • DEMIL Required Property
  • Web Federal Logistics Information Service (WebFLIS)
  • Property Accounting & File Management
  • Weapons, Aircraft, Tactical Vehicles
  • Annual Property Certification (Audits)
  • Excess Property Contact Information
  • 1122 Procurement Program
  • Type of Property
  • How to request quotes (RFQ)
  • 1122 GSA AutoChoice
  • Law Enforcement NVD Loan Program

Please complete the Training Registration Form and submit to Excess Property.


Director, Excess Property Programs Cpl. Frank Mize

Visit: (details)

959 United Avenue SE
Building 11
Atlanta, GA 30316

Mail to

Post Office Box 1456
Atlanta, GA 30371