DATE REVISED - 4/28/2006

25.05.1 Purpose

A. To establish the policy of the Georgia State Patrol (GSP) regarding dignitary protection and facilities security.

B. To define the organizational structure responsible for delivering these services.

C. To establish procedures for providing these services.

25.05.2 Policy

A. It is the policy of the GSP to provide effective, efficient dignitary and facilities security services for individuals and facilities as described or authorized in state statute.

25.05.3 Definitions

A. Commissioner — Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Safety.

B. Protectee – A person who is the subject of personal protection services as required or authorized by state statute including but not limited to: specific government officials and facilities, political luminaries, government officials, and famous or notorious persons.

C. Unit Member– A sworn State Trooper regardless of rank (e.g., trooper, corporal, sergeant, etc.) assigned to the Dignitary Protection Section whose primary responsibility is the security of protectees.

25.05.4 Authorities

A. OCGA § 35-2-73 (a) which states: “The commissioner shall be authorized to employ such number of security guards as may be necessary to keep watch over and protect the Governor and members of his immediate family, the Lieutenant Governor and members of his immediate family, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and members of his immediate family, the executive department at the state capitol or at any other place as the executive department may be moved, the executive center or other residence of the Governor, the residences and offices of the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and such other state property and individuals as may be directed by the Governor.”

B. OCGA § 35-2-73 (b) which further states: “Members of the Governor's family, the Lieutenant Governor’s family, and the Speaker's family for whom protection is provided by the Security Guard Division, when traveling with the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, or the Speaker, as the case may be, when traveling on state related business at the request of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, or the Speaker, as the case may be, or when in the judgment of the commissioner security considerations so dictate, may be transported by means of state owned transportation facilities, when appropriate, or at state expense by private carrier, when the use of such state owned facilities are not practical or appropriate.”

25.05.5 Organization

A. The Executive Security Unit consists of two Sections.

1. The Special Services Section provides security services for the Governor’s Mansion and its grounds.

2. Dignitary Protection Section provides protection services for those protectees designated by the Commissioner.

B. The Commissioner may appoint, without competitive examination, a Director of the Executive Security Unit. The Director shall administer the Division’s responsibilities as described herein.

1. The Director of the Executive Security Unit shall be a Unit Member and hold the rank designated by the Commissioner.

C. The Commissioner shall appoint as many officers and personnel as necessary to adequately staff the Division and may assign additional staff on a temporary basis to augment the Division’s resources.

1. Members assigned to the Dignitary Protection Unit shall be carefully screened and reviewed with appointments made from the GSP and shall be without competitive examination. Other personnel hired for or assigned to the Division shall meet minimum hiring guidelines then in place for the position filled.

2. Personnel assigned to the Division may be reassigned to other duties within the Department at the discretion of the Commissioner without recourse.

D. The Division shall:

1. Provide the protection, security and police services as described herein;

2. Strive to train personnel in the unique services the Division is called on to deliver;

3. Strive to provide necessary and appropriate equipment to facilitate the Division’s mission;

4. Maintain a confidential, current security file for each protectee, and

5. Maintain a confidential, current medical file on protectees including such appropriate information as blood type, allergies, physician information, etc.

25.05.6 Procedures – Dignitary Protection

A. Protectees may waive or modify the delivery of the security services herein described but, protectees should be encouraged to accept the services delivery as described, under normal circumstances. If a permanent waiver or modification is requested, the Director of the Executive Security Unit and the Commissioner should be notified as soon as practical. The Commissioner may ask the Director for a written report outlining the circumstances surrounding such a waiver. Temporary waivers or modifications shall be at the Unit Members’ discretion.

B. Unless otherwise directed by the Commissioner, protection services will be provided 24-hours a day regardless of the nature of protectees’ activities. At all times during normal business hours Unit Members should directly observe protectees. When direct observation is impractical, impossible, or inappropriate, Unit Members should control access to protectees, screen visitors, and, if possible, monitor protectees electronically.

C. Unit Members may prohibit or restrict access to protectees at the Member’s discretion when such prohibition or restriction is deemed necessary for the security of protectees and others. Should such action be necessary, the Unit Member shall notify, as soon as possible, a supervisor who then shall notify the Director of the Executive Security Unit who, if such prohibition or restriction is expected to remain in effect for four or more hours, shall notify the Commissioner. No such prohibition or restriction order shall remain in effect for more than three consecutive days without the approval of the Commissioner.

D. Travel and Lodging for Security Details:

1. Ground Transportation:

a. When traveling by vehicle, whether state-owned or privately owned, a Unit Member shall drive the vehicle, unless special circumstances dictate otherwise. If special licensing is required by law, a Unit Member shall ensure compliance.

b. When traveling by ground transportation, such travel, when practical should be by the vehicle designated for the protectee.

c. If traveling outside Georgia, Unit Members shall prearrange suitable ground transportation. If a rental vehicle is used, Unit Members shall visually inspect vehicles prior to transporting protectees to ensure the vehicle is mechanically sound. This inspection shall also include a search of the vehicle for any items that may pose a threat or be offensive to the vehicle’s occupants.

2. Air Transportation:

a. If travel is on any commercial, state agency or National Guard aircraft, it shall be assumed that the aircraft is airworthy and that pilot certifications are in order.

b. Should the protectee choose to travel on privately owned and operated aircraft for political or personal business, the following policy should be followed:

1) Unit Members shall obtain in advance the make, model and type of aircraft to be used.

2) Unit Members may request that the pilots produce FAA credentials if questions exist as  to their qualifications. Credentials can be legally requested by a peace officer at any time. At a minimum, the pilot should possess a valid second-class medical certificate and an FAA issued pilots license. The minimum acceptable standard to transport a  protectee in the care of the Division shall be a commercial license with a rating commensurate to the type of aircraft to be flown (e.g., single engine, multi-engine, etc). If the flight is to occur in darkness or  inclement weather, instrument rating will also be required. If the flight is to occur at night or in inclement weather, a multi-engine aircraft should be utilized.

3) Unit Members should accompany protectees, unless otherwise directed by the protectee, on any flight regardless of the purpose of the flight.

3. Lodging:

a. If protectees are to remain away from their residence at a location not owned by protectee or a family member, Unit Members shall inspect the location for suitability and security precautions prior to protectees’ arrival.

b. Unit Members shall have the option of accepting or rejecting lodging accommodations if, in their opinion, conditions warrant such actions.

E. Assigned Unit Members shall ensure that appropriate, necessary, and applicable procedures are followed including but not limited to:

1. Arrangements shall be made to acquire all necessary equipment for Unit Members (e.g., vehicles, weapons, radios, cellular phones, etc.) and protectees (e.g., body armor).

2. Unit Members should:

a. Identify and test primary, alternate and escape routes in advance of protectees’ use with consideration for the location and impact of detours and other potential traffic problems.

b. Inspect sites and facilities in advance of protectees’ use.

c. Identify and, if appropriate, contact medical and fire services in advance of protectees’ visits or events.

d. Contact federal, state and local authorities to gather intelligence information pertinent to protectees’ visits or events.

3. Supervisors or lead Unit Members should insure that Unit Members assigned to protectees or functions are provided with proper identification lapel pins established for the time of the visit or other appropriate predetermined identification.

4. Uniforms

a. Due to the nature of the assignment, Unit Members, while working on assignment with protectees, shall dress in civilian business attire in lieu of the otherwise designated uniform. Unit Members shall:

b. At all times while on assignment carry the assigned duty weapon(s), and
c. Be eligible for a quarterly clothing allowance to be paid following conclusion of the quarter.

d. All other personnel shall be uniformed as otherwise directed.

25.05.7 Procedures – Special Services Section

A. The Special Services Section shall provide facility security services for the Governor’s Mansion and its grounds including but not limited to the following:

1. Screen visitors to the Governor’s Mansion being alert to potentially dangerous devices, persons or groups, and behaviors, and

2. Patrol the mansion and grounds, and monitor security systems.