DATE REVISED - 10/17/2016

25.06.1 Purpose

To identify specialized assignments within the Georgia Department of Public Safety.

25.06.2 Policy

To effectively accomplish the mission of the Georgia Department of Public Safety (DPS) it is necessary to assign sworn members to certain specialized assignments. These assignments shall generally require special skills and abilities unique to the assignment.

25.06.3 Procedures

A. The following shall be considered specialized assignments:

1. Aviation;

2. Specialized Collision Reconstruction Team (SCRT);

3. Safety Education;

4. Implied Consent;

5. Office of Professional Standards;

6. Training Division;

7. State of Georgia SWAT;

8. Criminal Interdiction Unit;

9. GSP Dive Team;

10. Crisis Negotiators;

11. Executive Security;

12. DUI Task Force (Nighthawks);

13. Communication Services;

14. Honor Guard;

15. Regional K-9 Task Force;

16. GEMA Liaison;

17. FBI Liaison;

18. GOHS Liaison;

19. Governor’s Task Force for Marijuana Eradication;

20. GISAC Officer;

21. Canine Handlers;

22. Specialized assignments such as Drug Task Forces, Fugitive Squads, etc.;

23. MCCD Compliance Review, Safety Audits, and

24. Any other unit or assignment which requires specialized training, skills or abilities not normally required on a day-to-day basis by sworn members assigned to field operations.

B. The procedures for filling vacancies to specialty units/positions are outlined in DPS policy #24.01 Promotions and Transfers.