DATE REVISED - 4/20/2018

25.10.1 Purpose

The Child Abduction Response Team (C.A.R.T.) was created by an executive order signed by the Governor to provide an immediate and efficient response to missing, abducted, or endangered children in the State of Georgia. It is comprised of  nine different state agencies, utilizing their resources and both sworn and non-sworn staff:

Georgia Bureau of Investigation

State Board of Pardons & Paroles

Georgia Department of Public Safety

Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice

Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Georgia Department of Corrections

Georgia Department of Human Services

Georgia Department of Transportation

Georgia Emergency Management Agency

25.10.2 Policy

It is the policy of the Georgia Department of Public Safety to immediately and efficiently respond to a child abduction or otherwise missing or endangered child alert.

25.10.3 Procedures

A. The activation criteria for C.A.R.T. are as follows:

1. The true (non-family) abduction of a minor child (under the age of 18); or

2. The abduction of a minor child (under the age of 18) with endangerment circumstances. These circumstances must clearly be articulated to the C.A.R.T. Coordinator in order to activate the team members. The child’s disappearance or abduction shall meet the endangerment criteria if the child’s life or well-being is perceived to be at-risk (due to violence or health conditions), or if the identified parental abductor has a potential for violence and could endanger the child, or

3. Any other abduction or missing child investigation that requires immediate response in order to protect the well-being of the child. All incidents at this level shall require the approval of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

B. Upon the request from the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the incident, confirmation that the activation criteria has been met and the C.A.R.T. response is necessary, GBI communication center will activate C.A.R.T. by notifying the nine C.A.R.T. liaisons.

C. Upon C.A.R.T. activation, the DPS Liaison to C.A.R.T. will:

1. Notify the Troop/Region Commander in the affected area for law enforcement support. DPS members assigned by the Troop/Region Commander shall respond immediately and arrive at the designated location as soon as possible.

2. Respond to the designated command post to coordinate DPS efforts, which may include providing:

a. DPS sworn members for a Community Canvass;

b. DPS sworn members for concentrated patrol on known areas of the missing child for recovery of suspect/vehicles:

c. DPS members for Road Checks to:

1) Search all vehicles for missing child or for clues/evidence related to the abduction; and

2) Identity potential suspects entering or leaving the area. Information gathered will be documented on the Roadblock Canvass Form and submitted to GBI for analysis.

d. DPS sworn members for security at the residence of the missing child or other locations, as needed;

e. Communications assistance for the abduction response. If needed, the DPS Interoperability Coordinator shall provide a mobile communications trailer to the designated C.A.R.T. Command Post. The DPS Interoperability Coordinator will act as the communications leader to the C.A.R.T. Liaisons to achieve a workable communications line among all nine agencies;

f. Aviation support, and

g. SWAT or Dive Team support.

D. The Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety shall designate the Department’s Liaison to C.A.R.T. and the Interoperability Coordinator.