25.03-2 Physical Fitness Assessment
DATE REVISED - 4/21/2015
A. Purpose
The purpose of the assessment is to determine the status and fitness level of the SWAT team.
1. The assessment shall consist of a battery of five evaluations as follows:
a. 1.5 Mile Run - The 1.5-mile run shall measure cardio respiratory fitness. The objective is to run the 1.5-mile distance as fast as possible. The running area shall be substantially level. On a standard 440-yard track six laps should be completed. Participants may be informed of their lap times. Final times shall be called out and recorded. Upon completion the participants shall be required to walk a cool down lap.
b. Push-ups - The push-up evaluation measures muscular endurance of the upper body. Hands shall be placed slightly wider than shoulders with fingers pointing forward. A three-inch sponge shall be placed under the sternum. Starting from the up position (elbows fully extended) the subject shall keep the back straight at all times and lower the body to the floor until the chest touches the sponge, the subject then returns to the up position. This shall be one repetition. Any resting shall be done in the up position. The total number of correct push-ups shall be recorded as the score.
c. One-Minute Sit-ups - The one-minute sit-up evaluation measures abdominal muscular endurance. The subject starts by lying on their back, knees bent, heels flat on the floor, with arms crossed and fingertips touching the shoulder area. A partner shall be utilized to hold the feet down firmly. The subject shall then bend upward and touch the elbows to the knees in the up position. This is one repetition. The total number of correct sit-ups in one minute shall be recorded as the score.
d. One Rep Max Bench Press - The one rep max bench press measures absolute strength. Absolute strength is defined as the amount of tension a muscle can exhibit in one maximal contraction. Using free weights and a standard bench press, start with approx 2/3 of the subject’s body weight for a male subject and only the bar (45lbs) for a female subject. Two spotters shall be used, one on each end of the bar. The spotters should lower the bar to the subject’s chest. The spotters shall release the bar and the subject shall press to a full extension while exhaling. Repeat the above until a one-rep max is reached. This should take approximately five to six trials. Once the maximum weight in pounds is determined, divide the pounds by the body weight to obtain ratio.
e. Vertical Jump Test - This is a measure of jumping or explosive power. It is an important area for pursuit tasks that require jumping and vaulting. Using a yardstick taped to a smooth wall, use chalk dust to mark the wall so that maximum height is easily determined. The subject begins with one side toward the wall and reaches up as high as possible to mark their standard reach. The subject then jumps as high as possible and marks the spot on the chalked wall above their standard reach mark. Prior to jump, one foot must remain stationary on the floor. Score is the total inches between standard reach and maximum height achieved to the nearest quarter inch. The final score shall be the best of three tries.
2. Physical Fitness Scoring Procedure
a. The physical fitness test for the SWAT team is broken down into five events. Each event has a minimum standard. If this standard is not met the new SWAT candidate shall go no further in being evaluated.
b. Each event shall be completed and shall carry from 15 to 25 points in two point increments based upon individual performance in that event (Refer to male or female standards below). The total points obtained from the five events shall be the subject’s final score.
c. A total of 100 points shall be reached in order to qualify for the team. If, however, a total of 115 points is achieved, the subject, if selected, or an existing team member shall be given a special ribbon to be worn on the uniform to signify this achievement. If a perfect score of 125 points is achieved, the subject if selected for the team or an existing member shall be awarded a special ribbon to be worn on the uniform to signify this achievement.
1) Description of Ribbons
a) A score of 100 points = a plain black ribbon signifying a current SWAT member.
b) A score of 115-124 points = a black ribbon with a vertical silver bar.
c) A perfect score of 125 points = a black ribbon with a vertical gold bar.
2) The ribbon shall be worn in accordance with the Department Awards Program Policy #20.01.